If the Atlantic Canadian manufacturing sector is to survive, it needs to automate to compensate for a shrinking workforce, and digitize to increase productivity and efficiency. It needs advanced manufacturing.
At the same time, young people in the region need to be made aware of advanced manufacturing as a lucrative career path worth pursuing.
We partnered with Lynwood Strategies (Moncton) and Hemmings House (Saint John) to work with ACOA and the Atlantic Chamber of Commerce to develop a regional, multi-year bilingual campaign that saw us take the creative and strategic lead for marketing a big idea: advanced manufacturing isn’t rocket science.
Together we developed everything from digital ads, profile videos, case study videos, and a comprehensive reference booklet — to podcasts, animated videos to explain key concepts, and a webinar.
The campaign’s final phase included direct mail items, sponsored spreads in Atlantic Business magazine, liaison with government agencies in each province, and a comprehensive digital ad campaign.

The Forge Ahead Student Podcast is designed to help students make a career for themselves in advanced manufacturing. We speak with experts from educational institutions from around Atlantic Canada, exploring training options that will lead you to a lucrative career in the industry, right here at home.
Speakers: Derek Reilly, Jodi Stringer-Webb, Darrell Leudey, Kent Sheen