Ten 2024 Duke predictions!
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Don’t you just love a predictions post?
The team here at Duke put our heads together and collaboratively came up with ten hot insights for 2024. Some are about topics that are right in our wheelhouse, and some are about issues unfolding in the zeitgeist. Others? Well those are about our AI overlords, of course.
We’ll circle back at year-end 2024 to see how we did!
Brands will look to amplify more high-value user-generated content: like this.
Tourism will get a total-eclipse-of-the-sun-driven boost: Fredericton especially.
AI content labelling will be a hot topic, and we’ll see social platforms respond: like this.
AI for workflow efficiency will be the next killer app in many industries, while AI for synthetic content will be increasingly sus.
Authenticity as a competitive advantage will be on the rise: read this.
Forest fires, distrust of institutions, “poverty of local news”, and online misinformation will make a deadly combination in 2024: read this.
Our housing crisis will reach an “all hands on deck” tipping point.
De-influencing will go mainstream: watch this.
Printers and traditional advertisers will do well: because 2024, 2025, and 2026 are ALL election years.
Thrifting and upcycling will be a growing trend as the cost of living remains high: inspo.