Be brave, little marketer


As marketers, we strive to stand out.

In a Western world where we see up to 10,000 ads per day—and where only a quarter of that (or less) are relevant—it’s a marketer’s job to ensure their work is part of the small percent that connects.

The secret sauce? Bravery.

When we think of bravery in marketing, what comes to mind initially is boldness. Putting unconventional, offbeat ideas into the world.

But bravery is not impulsive. It involves strategic insight to see an opportunity and plan out the right course of action to capture it.

Bravery also necessitates vulnerability—that scary stuff we try to avoid behind our phones and laptop screens. Bravery isn’t the absence of fear.

It is doing the thing despite the fear. Any time we put forward an idea, it’s an act of bravery. It’s trusting that it will make an impression.  

When it works, bravery is like magic. It connects with the right people at the right moment. And that’s how we build relationships with our audiences and trust with our clients.

So be brave, little marketer. Here’s to incorporating more boldness in our lives.




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